Abstracts may be submitted online for Oral or Poster presentations. They should be max 300 words and clearly present your research. Your submission will be double-blind reviewed by our scientific committee.

Oral presentations are 10 minutes talks (+ 5 min questions) and there will be 4 poster sessions (with drinks!). Poster size is A0 (841 x 1189 mm), in portrait format.

The ISEC 2024 Conference will showcase what’s cool and exciting in statistical ecology – and remember that the conference is inclusive and interdisciplinary, at the interface between statistics and ecology. ISEC is not only for developers, but we are very interested in including attendees and speakers that are *using* cool methods!

To submit an abstract click on the following link – specify if you would like to submit a talk or a poster.:


(Please register first on the CMT system)

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline29 March 2024